Trump Unjustly Blamed For Mass Shootings

A Breitbart Headline:

Hollywood Blames Trump for El Paso Shooting: ‘The President of the United States Bears Responsibility’

American Thinker reports:

Left tries dishonesty in bid to turn El Paso shooter into a Republican

By Monica Showalter

We already know that the left is trying to pin the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings, done by madmen, to something President Trump instigated. The El Paso killer, in a meandering, inchoate “manifesto” with a mix of pro- and anti-Trump ravings and negative words for Democrats, based a strange combination of hate for migrant surgers and weird obsessions with automation, was essentially rooted in greenie ideology, as John Lott notes here. Easy enough for leftists to pin on Trump, and most did. As Thomas Lifson noted earlier today, one of the worst of them was here.

But then there are the ones for whom the argument wasn’t good enough. Some tried to put their thumbs on the scale to falsely create a narrative that this freak was a conservative addicted to guns and Trump, and they did dishonest things to change “the narrative.” Apparently picking and choosing from the madman’s ravings wasn’t good enough, they needed to alter the facts. (I touched on that matter earlier today here).

Example A:

According to GatewayPundit, which has the shareable social media

Patrick Crusius has a profile on is an American information brokerage founded in 2002 as MyLife gathers personal information through public records and other sources to automatically generate a “MyLife Public Page” for each person, described by MyLife as a “complete Wikipedia-like biography on every American.”

At 2:46 PM today MyLife had this profile for the deranged killer Patrick Crusius.

His original profile at 2:46 said he was a registered Democrat.

At 2:50 PM leftists changed his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican.

At 2:52 his profile was changed again.

His description now says he is a Republican and QAnon member.

Example B:

Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray

Another hoax. This picture of guns arranged to say “Trump” is trending, attributed to the El Paso shooter with claims that these were his firearms.

A quick reverse image search shows that the shooter did not take this photo. It’s been on Reddit for ages.

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4,2787:58 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy3,364 people are talking about this

Neither of these things were true. Both were dishonest manipulations to smear Republicans and their leader. What this shows is the extent to which the left will go to pin anything they can on Trump. The people who did this were extraordinarily dishonest, trying to alter facts in the name of scoring political points. Obviously, they were Alinskyites who never let a crisis go to waste, and like Bill Ayers, they are convinced that the end justifies the means. Facts are malleable. They’ll do anything to cast blame to people who had nothing to do with this madman, his ravings, or his evil act.

Their ethics are showing, and they aren’t good ethics.

“The first thing I would do is clorox the Oval Office” – …KristenGillibrand

Again American Thinker reports:

The left’s big blame game after El Paso: Guns, Trump, white supremacy

By Monica Showalter

The left is trying to make political hay again over a mass shooting in El Paso and then another one in Dayton, blaming the whole thing on — take your pick, guns, President Trump, or white supremacy. Just look at them go and this is hardly a comprehensive sampling of all versions of these same arguments out there:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez@AOC

We can no longer bear to see gun violence & mass shootings continue as a norm in America.

How many deaths to gun violence could have been preventable with responsible gun safety laws? How many children would still have their mothers?

Enough. It’s way past time we act. …Shannon Watts@shannonrwattsBREAKING: A police officer said he had been told 18 adults and four children have been murdered in a mass shooting at an El Paso Walmart. #txlege …65.3K6:13 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy19.5K people are talking about this

Ilhan Omar@IlhanMN

Can we talk about mass shootings now?

Can we start to condemn domestic terrorism now?

Can we work together to safeguard American lives on our soil now?

It’s time to talk and follow up with action! 38.3K6:51 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy19.6K people are talking about this

Elizabeth Warren@ewarren

The news out of El Paso is devastating. I’m heartbroken for the victims and their families. Far too many communities have suffered through tragedies like this already. We must act now to end our country’s gun violence epidemic.73.3K2:55 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy16.2K people are talking about this

Joe Biden@JoeBiden

Heartbroken to hear the news from El Paso. Our thoughts are with those impacted by yet another senseless act of gun violence in America.

How many lives must be cut short? How many communities must be torn apart? It’s past time we take action and end our gun violence epidemic.20.8K4:21 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy5,854 people are talking about this

Bernie Sanders@BernieSanders

Another mass shooting, another horrific day for America.

Multiple news organizations have reported the gunman shared a racist, anti-immigrant manifesto. If true, let us be clear: this would be yet another white nationalist domestic terror attack. 1/31.4K8:57 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy7,543 people are talking about this

Bernie Sanders@BernieSanders

Everyone in America, myself included, is devastated by the news of this latest attack in El Paso. Sadly, after each of these tragedies the Senate does nothing. That has got to change.34.7K3:54 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy8,221 people are talking about this

Brian Schatz@brianschatz

We have a white supremacist problem. We have a gun problem. We have a money in politics problem.86.6K5:12 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy22K people are talking about this

Glenn Kirschner@glennkirschner2

A country awash in guns + NRA $ saturating our politics + Trump fanning the flames of hate, violence and division + McConnell blocking any and all gun safety measures = mass shootings. It doesn’t take a mathematician. Vote in 2020 like our lives depend on it.9,0456:10 AM – Aug 4, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy4,587 people are talking about this

Kamala Harris@KamalaHarris

We shouldn’t have to live in fear of mass shootings. Congress must have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws. If they won’t act, I will.13.3K8:13 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy5,701 people are talking about this

Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray

Another hoax. This picture of guns arranged to say “Trump” is trending, attributed to the El Paso shooter with claims that these were his firearms.

A quick reverse image search shows that the shooter did not take this photo. It’s been on Reddit for ages.

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4,2887:58 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy3,373 people are talking about this


Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg condemned President Trump for allowing white nationalism and gun violence to flourish under his watch.6847:15 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy201 people are talking about this

MiMi xxx@Mi_xxxMi

#ElPaso Yet another shooting for Trump’s pals to capitalise on

The sad truth is every shooting serves as a huge opportunity for the NRA to sell more guns by insanely insisting you must arm yourself to defend yourself205:09 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee MiMi xxx’s other Tweets

Planet Belfast @Planet_Belfast

Not Muslim
Not Mexican
Not whatever race Trump chooses to demonize today

Just a white guy. A white guy with easy access to guns. A white guy who killed many of his fellow US citizens in #ElPaso

America you have a problem

Start by banning the @NRA

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216:23 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Planet Belfast ‘s other Tweets

JAMES THE THIRD @jmsthethird

This is unacceptable. This cannot carry on. After every mass shooting we are assured that action will be taken. No real action has yet been taken and as a result more people have died. This is a result of the Trump Administration’s failure to act on the issue of Gun Control.

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16:40 AM – Aug 4, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee JAMES THE THIRD ‘s other Tweets

nazir afzal@nazirafzal

Tragedy & Murder in #ElPaso by a White Supremacist who hated Latinos, Gays & Democrats

Radicalised by Trump & his chums

But he will be “mentally ill” who watched too many action films & played “nasty” online games

No Ban
No Wall
No Gun Control

Just Excuses6034:56 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy187 people are talking about this

David Schneider@davidschneider

251 mass shootings in the US this year.
8732 gun deaths.
2 more such atrocities in the last 24 hours, killing 29.
But please carry on tweeting about Sadiq Khan and the state of London, Donald Trump. …Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrumpWith the incompetent Mayor of London, you will never have safe streets! …10.5K4:04 AM – Aug 4, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy3,559 people are talking about this

Guy Leacock@LeacockGuy

Shooting in El Paso Texas at a shopping mall. 16 dead 4 injured latest reports. I a foreigner watching on in horror as Mr Trump still let’s his people carry Guns. Armed as well. Madness

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45:57 AM – Aug 4, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Guy Leacock’s other Tweets

Jorge A. Medina@Jmedin21


This is the piece of shit that killed 19 people at my hometown @ElPasoTXGov #PrayForElPaso I am beyond concerned how brainwashed these people are. Thank you Trump for screwing us . Guns should be banned!

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6:23 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Jorge A. Medina’s other Tweets


No gun control..this is what you get every terriosts since 9/11 is a white republican home grown..Trump’s 90% to blame

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149:43 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Petexx55’s other Tweets

A2Mamman@A2MammanReplying to @realDonaldTrump

The El Paso shooters social media has Trump spelled out in guns. He is a white supremacist. He wanted to shoot immigrants. YOU incited this. #WhiteNationalistPresident

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110:04 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee A2Mamman’s other Tweets

LaLa LaCrosse@HolaLaLa74

It’s the 3rd mass shooting this week in America and Donald Trump is too busy golfing . Wash, rinse, repeat. Is it still too soon to talk about gun reform? #massshooting #ElPaso

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212:35 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee LaLa LaCrosse’s other Tweets

PHASE FOUR IS HERE@TrendelAnderson

This #walmartshooting happened because a white racist trump supporting asshole was able to get his hands in a gun he shouldn’t have but y’all wanna focus in immigrants being dangerous?

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274:52 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee PHASE FOUR IS HERE’s other Tweets


fuck trump and fuck your guns! #GunControlNow 74:03 PM – Aug 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee JONATHAN’s other Tweets

It’s nothing but cheap opportunism of the sleaziest sort.

Guns have been around since the Constitution was signed and mass shootings have been around since the dawn of the 20th century. They seem to be getting more frequent now, which is why people are wanting answers, too. Always, it’s some young adult who’s alienated and had a problem with their upbringing. There’s some kind of problem of the heart. And almost always, there’s some kind of use or abuse of drugs. The Middle Eastern terrorist spray shootings were a variant of their era but seem to have related causes and comparable mass killer profiles. Today, the shooters are usually teenaged or young white adult males alienated by too much video games and Internet chat boards (this one from El Paso posted his manifesto here), a crazed desire for fame and significance in an era that degrades white males as the cause of all the world’s problems, zero knowledge of how to make themselves matter, lots of ego, and some kind of glomming off the news to create that significance they crave from their empty heads. It’s always something addled, and this freak (guess what, I am not naming him) was cartoonishly inchoate, as if he only had the most rudimentary understanding of how the world worked, his manifesto was a mixture of Nazi lebensraum greenthink and rage against Mexicans. Copycats within ten days of a mass shooting and a flood of media coverage are very common, experts say, which fits El Paso and Dayton to a tee. These were copycats.

None of this is stopping Democrats and leftists from their lockstep solution of gun control, something that didn’t stop mass shootings in these gun-free zones (Gilroy was a gun-free zone). And banning guns in any case, would just mean these maniacs would use cars (as they did in London,) arson fires in buildings full of people (as one did in Japan), or knives (again, as was done in London). It’s a glib non-solution. Gun bans even excite some of them, as the New Zealand mass killer had held that as part of his agenda. This creep inspired some of these recent shootings in the copycat dynamic.

What’s also obnoxious is their claim that Trump, who condemned the maniac and sent comfort to the victims, was somehow responsible. Trump has never advocated mass shooting or justified anyone who has. That won’t stop the left. Already, they have attempted to paint the killer as a Republican, actually changing the man’s registration from Democrat to Republian on some social media site as GatewayPundit reported here. They’ve also been passing around a phony photo claiming that a photo of guns spelling out the name of Trump was something the killer brought to the fore – it’s actually been around for years. It’s a desperate effort to tie this killer to Trump and it’s pure garbage. Actually, it’s quite likely that the red state of Texas is going to execute this loser even as the gun control lobby turns itself into the anti-death penalty lobby, so we know the opportunism is already ready to twist to confront. These people trying to pin the whole thing on Trump just hate right wingers and want to blame them for every inchoate freak raised badly as their means of gaining power.

The political opportunism is disgusting. And counterproductive. And it sure as heck isn’t going to work. Maybe they should shut the heck up for long enough for the sane people of Texas and Ohio to just clear the bodies.

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