Liberal Fascism: The New McCarthyism Of The Left

The Liberal/Left over and over again tells us all that they are the only protectors of diversity, free speech, inclusiveness and equal treatment for everybody.

Yet Mozilla fired (or forced out, if you prefer) their CEO Brendan Eich for a contribution he made to a cause in 2008 that they don’t like. Here is what Mozilla’s webpage says about itself.


 Mozilla’s mission is to make the Web more open so that humanity is stronger, more inclusive and more just. This is why BOTH Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation support equality for all, including marriage equality for LGBT couples. No matter who you are or who you love, everyone deserves the same rights and to be treated equally.

We realize that not everyone in our community or who uses our products will agree with this. But we have always maintained that as long as you are willing to respect others, and come together for our larger mission, you are welcome. Mozilla’s community is made up of people who have very diverse personal beliefs working on a common cause, which is a free and open internet. That is a very rare and special thing.

Mozilla has always worked to be a welcoming community, committed to inclusiveness and equality for all people. One voice will not limit opportunity for anyone. That was true yesterday and will be true tomorrow. Our Community Participation Guidelines state:

The Mozilla Project welcomes and encourages participation by everyone. It doesn’t matter how you identify yourself or how others perceive you: we welcome you. We welcome contributions from everyone as long as they interact constructively with our community, including, but not limited to people of varied age, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender-identity, language, race, sexual orientation, geographical location and religious views.

Our culture of openness extends to encouraging our staff and community to be candid about their views on Mozilla’s direction. We’re proud of that openness and how it distinguishes Mozilla from most organizations. Most of all, we want to ensure that all Mozilla users and community members know how deeply committed we are to openness and equality for all people. (1)


Well I wonder how Eich feels about all this diversity, openness, candidness and being a welcoming community for all views and lifestyles. Apparently traditional marriage isn’t one of them.

Once again we can point to the Liberal double standard. They say they are for diversity but not when it conflicts with their opinions. Remember Chick-fil-A?  We just posted an article here on how the Left wants to arrest anybody who does not believe in Global Warming. PUT THEM IN CAGES, is the battle cry.Kevin Williamson calls it the The Liberal Gulag and he goes on to explain how the Left’s inclusiveness is really exclusivity.


The word “liberal” has taken a beating over the last few days: A Mozilla executive was hounded out of his position at the firm he co-founded by left-wing campaigners resolved to punish him for having made a donation to a successful California ballot initiative that defined marriage in traditional terms; Adam Weinstein, whose downwardly mobile credibility has taken him from ABC to Gawker, called for literally imprisoning people with the wrong views about global warming, writing, “Those malcontents must be punished and stopped”; Mr. Weinstein himself was simply forwarding a dumbed-down-enough-for-Gawker version of the arguments of philosophy professor Lawrence Torcello; Katherine Timpf, a reporter for Campus Reform, faced a human barricade to keep her from asking questions of those attending a feminist leadership conference, whose organizers informed her that the group was “inclusive” and therefore she was “not welcome here”; Charles Murray, one of the most important social scientists of his generation, was denounced as a “known white supremacist” by Texas Democrats for holding heterodox views about education policy; national Democrats spent the week arguing for the anti-free-speech side of a landmark First Amendment case and the anti-religious-freedom side of a case involving the Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Lois Lerner, the Left’s best friend at the IRS, faces contempt charges related to her role in the Democrats’ coopting the IRS as a weapon against their political enemies; Harry Reid, a liberal champion of campaign-finance reform, was caught channeling tens of thousands of dollars to his granddaughter while conspicuously omitting her surname, which is also his surname, from official documents, cloaking the transaction, while one of his California colleagues, a liberal champion of gun control, was indicted on charges of running guns to an organized-crime syndicate.

The convocation of clowns on the left screeched with one semi-literate and inchoate voice when my colleague Jonah Goldberg, borrowing the precise words of one of their own, titled a book Liberal Fascism. Most of them didn’t read it, but the ones who did apparently took what was intended as criticism and read it as a blueprint for political action.

Welcome to the Liberal Gulag.

That term may be perverse, but it is not an exaggeration. Mr. Weinstein specifically called for political activists, ranging from commentators to think-tank researchers, to be locked in cages as punishment for their political beliefs. “Those denialists should face jail,” he wrote. “You still can’t” — banality alert! — “yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater. You shouldn’t be able to yell ‘balderdash’ at 10,883 scientific journal articles a year.” “Balderdash” — a felony. At the risk of being repetitious, let’s dwell on that for a minute: The Left is calling on people to be prosecuted for speaking their minds regarding their beliefs on an important public-policy question that is, as a political matter, the subject of hot dispute. That is the stuff of Soviet repression.(2)


The fear and intimidation of average, ordinary Americans is at an all-time high — fear and intimidation that is silencing people.  I’ve been following a story for the past five days, and I purposely have not mentioned it, as I didn’t want to have any influence on the outcome.  I wanted to see where this went on its own.

Yes, I’m talking about Brendan Eich from Mozilla.  I wanted to see where this went before I weighed in on it.  There is cowardice; there is totalitarianism. Political correctness doesn’t even get close to describing what this “story,” for lack of a better term, is all about.

Suffice it to say that Brendan Eich is an average, ordinary guy who happens to be pretty brilliant. He’s a computer tech/engineer and one of the cofounders of Mozilla.  Now, you may not know the name Mozilla, but if you use the Firefox Internet browser, it comes from Mozilla.

Brendan Eich, E-i-c-h, is one of the cofounders, and just recently Brendan Eich was named CEO.

When it was discovered that Brendan Eich had donated a $100 to Proposition 8 four years ago, the literal… What is the proper name for people who engage in this kind of behavior?  “Fascist” is probably the closest way.  You can call ’em Nazis, but nevertheless they went into gear, and immediately Brendan Eich was described as “filled with hatred” and anti-gay bigotry all over the tech media.

He had donated $1000 to Proposition 8, and he had a personal opinion on gay marriage that was identical to President Barack Obama’s in 2008.  In 2008 President Obama and his entire Regime officially were opposed to gay marriage, until they came up on some tough times campaign donation-wise. They needed some campaign money, so Obama sent Biden out to all of a sudden announce the Regime had changed its mind on gay marriage.

Brendan Eich, you look at the picture of the guy, looks like he wouldn’t harm anybody or anything.  This is not the kind of guy that would hold a magnifying glass up on an anthill in the summertime and try to fry ’em.  He’s not a mean guy.  He donated a paltry $1,000, and now he has been drummed out of Mozilla.  As such, he’s been drummed out of the tech business now, more than likely, because he believes that marriage is a union of a man and a woman.

He is being described now as a bigot and “filled with hatred” because he believes that marriage is a union of a man and a woman.  He tried to hang on when the controversy hit. He said, “Look, my personal political views have nothing to do with the way I plan on running Mozilla.”  That didn’t fly.  They had to get the scalp.  They had to take him out.  They had to send a message to anybody else that your view must comply.

If you are in the tech industry, and if you work anywhere in the tech business, and you’re gonna become a powerful executive anywhere, you had better toe the line. You had better be in favor of everything the militant gay activists are in favor of or we’re gonna claim your scalp.  We’re going to destroy your career.  And everybody is afraid of them.  So Brendan Eich is gone, for the identical position that President Barack Obama held at the exact same time, in 2008.

Brendan Eich, by the way, did not become an activist on gay marriage, or anti-gay marriage.  He just gave ’em some money.  He didn’t join any marches; he wasn’t out trying to raise money.  He just donated $1,000 and it was discovered four years after the fact. (3)


You know as well as I do that people are scared to death to tell you what they really think.  The left has politicized everything — everything — to the point that people are afraid to go against what they know to be political correctness, which is nothing more than liberal fascism, nothing more than censorship or what have you.  They’re afraid to speak up against it.

They see what happens to people who speak up against it.  They see it. Brendan Eich’s just the latest example.  They see what happens to Dan Cathy.  We had a woman call here. “I didn’t want to tell a pollster I didn’t like Obama. No way! I don’t want to get involved in anything controversial.”  Most people don’t.  I don’t think that most people really believe that David Koch is filled with hatred or that I am or anybody else.

But they’re afraid to say they don’t believe it, and low-information people buy it. There are some people that do. They’ve been successful with the low-information crowd creating this notion, but there’s just a whole lot of bullying going on out there in the midst of an anti-bullying movement.  The real bullies are claiming victim status. They are the ones being bullied while they do the bullying, and they shut everybody up, or most people.

The end result of this have is too that fewer and fewer people will go public if it means giving money or saying anything. They’ll just shut up.  This the purpose. One of objectives of fascism is to intimidate your opponents into just giving up, just shutting up. “Just stop opposing us.” That’s Obama’s modus operandi.  They don’t want a level playing field.  They don’t want anybody else on it.  They want to eliminate the opposition.  (4)


We leave you with the words of a well known Gay man, Gay activist Andrew Sullivan:

“The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists. Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame? Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me – as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society. If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out. If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”



(1) The Liberal Gulag

The Brendan Eich case brings out the nature of liberal fascism. – National Review –


(2)  The Mozilla Blog

News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project –


(3)  Leftist Fascists Force Out Mozilla CEO for Holding Same Opinion Obama Held in 2008

Rush Limbaugh –

(4) Liberal Fascist Bullies Have Created a Climate of Fear So You’ll Give Up

Rush Limbaugh –

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