1960’s Planned Parenthood Brochure: Abortion Kills The Life Of A Baby

PP Brochure

WHAT HAPPENED TO FETUS?  WHAT HAPPENED TO TISSUE? What happened to it’s not a baby until it leaves the hospital? My how times have changed.

Planned Parenthood wasn’t always heavily into the abortion business. It was first a big promoter of birth control.

Politichicks reports:

 The following is a an early 1960’s brochure from Planned Parenthood explaining the difference between birth control and abortion.  Note the brochure says nothing about “fetus” or “tissue” when asked the question, “Is it (birth control) abortion?”  Their answer (emphasis mine):
“Definitely not.  An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun.  It is dangerous to your life and health.  It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it.  Birth control merely postpones the beginning of life.”
How far Planned Parenthood has come, when in many cases today’s birth control IS abortion.  It is time to take away taxpayer funds from this monstrous, out-of-control organization.
Here is the brochure, from SpeakerForLife.com:
You can see all the parts of this 1960s brochure clearly on the Speaker For Life website here:  http://speakerforlife.com/debate/

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