It All Comes Down To A Deep State Silent Coup d’Etat

Rush reports:

Now, Carl Bernstein happens to be echoing something that I said last week, if you will remember. I reported to you a couple or three rumors I have heard, scuttlebutt about the Mueller report and what it’s going to be since there isn’t any collusion, there wasn’t any collusion. There wasn’t even any attempt by Trump or anybody on his team to collude with Russia. There was never anything there. And yet we’ve had this Mueller investigation going on for, whatever, a year and a half.

And you know as well as I do that just as these Looney Tunes are offering to slop a day off of their lives to give it to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, these people are deranged. They have become so poisoned with hatred or whatever that they have become convinced that Trump stole the election, cheated, is an agent of Vladimir Putin. They believe it. All rationality is gone. It’s been reported to them for so long. They’ve been so invested in it that they really think all of that happened. But the fact of the matter is it didn’t.

Rational people like you and I know that it didn’t, and eventually Mueller’s gonna have to admit this. But he can’t just admit that. Not after all this time. Besides that, no special counsel ever concludes by saying, “Hey, guess what, America? We didn’t find anything here. Our investigation’s closed, and the only crimes we got is a bunch of people lied to us during the investigation.” They never announce that. Even if that’s what they found, they never announce that.

So listen to Bernstein. This is the first sound bite.

BERNSTEIN: Donald Trump has tried to convince us that unless there is some kind of smoking gun, a recording of him in the room with Putin saying, “Yes, Vladimir, I’ll do your bidding,” there’s been, quote, no collusion. That’s nonsense. This is not about the deep state. This is about the most serious counterintelligence people we have in the U.S. government saying, “Oh, my God. The president’s words and action lead us to conclude that somehow he has become a witting, unwitting, or half-witting pawn certainly in some regards to Vladimir Putin.” He has helped Putin destabilize the United States and interfere in the election no matter whether it was purposeful or not.

RUSH: See that, the end of that, “whether it was purposeful or not.” This is one of the rumors I heard last week, and now it’s been announced as something that’s actually happened. In other words, they don’t have any evidence that Trump did anything. But Trump’s so stupid and Trump is so incompetent and Trump is so deranged, he’s essentially human debris, and Donald Trump is so unfit, he’s got no business walking, working, living, having anything to do with Washington, D.C. And because of all of that he made it possible for Putin to interfere in the election.

So rather than portray Trump as a witting, willing, in-on-the-game participant, they’re gonna say that Trump is so stupid and so out of it and so incompetent and so incapable that Putin was able to do anything he wanted. They can’t say that Trump did anything, ’cause he didn’t. So all they’ve got is to suggest that people like Trump never be allowed in Washington again because this is the kind of risk they present. Somebody so unsophisticated, so unaware of the real enemies of our country that he unwittingly allows them to have total access to our country. That’s scuttlebutt rumor number one.

Now, that’s gonna be a big letdown. I’m gonna tell you, if that’s what Mueller reports, that Trump didn’t do anything, just his stupidity allowed it to happen, it will be kind of like kissing your sister, if even that.

Jonathan Karl is telling his colleagues at ABC News and throughout the viewing audience that the Mueller report is going to be a letdown. That it’s gonna be anti-climactic, that it’s not gonna have anything in it that every one of us have expected. In other words: Mueller doesn’t have a syllable. He doesn’t have a paraphrase. He doesn’t have a vowel or a consonant, even, on Trump-Russia collusion. And Jonathan Karl is saying that — and also, by the way, Mother Jones.

You know the prejudice and the bigotry on the part of these people at the FBI that required them or permitted them or opened the door to them believing some of these things that are just obvious jokes, it really makes me wonder the kind of people we have in Washington at the top level of anything. They don’t recognize basic comedy, human behavior. They’re so disconnected from normal, everyday life that they’re unable to recognize how real people chat with each other.

Do you realize what a problem this is when you get down to talking to people in law enforcement and investigating people that supposedly break the law? If they don’t have any idea how you and I actually talk to each other and instead assume that normal, everyday conversation — telling jokes, goosing people — is evidence of a crime or the invitation to commit a crime? I can’t imagine anybody with any modicum of intelligence literally believing this.

The other thing that we are led to believe in this New York Times story and (sigh) I’m conflicted on this. I’m going back and forth on this. The Steele dossier. The golden showers dossier. The story that Trump hired some prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel room when he found out that Barack and Michelle had slept on it. We are being asked to believe that the FBI really believed that. We’re being asked to believe the FBI believed the Steele dossier.

Folks, there’s not one true thing in it, and yet we’re being told they believed it, and the reason they believed it is because they had a prior relationship with Christopher Steele and they trusted him. But I don’t know. I just can’t believe… They’re undeniably smart people. Of course, how you define “smart” now is an interesting challenge. But the idea that they believed everything in it? I think they’re wanting everybody to think they believed everything in it because they used it to defraud the entire FISA court system to go get warrants to spy on Carter Page.

And, by the way, it was never about Carter Page. This has always been about Trump, and one of the things that Trump did that really ticked these people off was admit publicly what Comey told him. Comey told him (and Trump announced it three times) he was not a target of the investigation. Rosenstein and Comey were both telling Trump not to announce that, that it would tamper with the investigation, and Trump couldn’t understand it.

(summarized) “Everything in the news today is about how I’m the target. You’re telling me I’m not the target. I’m gonna tell people I’m not the target, that you’re telling me that,” and they’re trying to get him not to announce this. And then he did, and that spurred them even to further action. I think this New York Times story… The real question to me, since it admits — and I’m gonna read it to you. It admits again as in every one of these stories the past two years, there’s no evidence for anything the headline of the story alleges!

None! This story… If you just landed from Mars and knew nothing, this story makes the FBI look horrible! Not Donald Trump. But if you have a basic understanding of the story as reported and you see the headline, you’re gonna think that the FBI was legitimately spying on Trump because he was an agent of the Russians. But in the real world, this story has no evidence like no other story has had any evidence that Trump did anything that he’s been alleged to have done.

But I think the reason they’re leaking this now is because everybody’s starting to get worried that Mueller’s report is not going to indict Trump for stealing the election, which is what everybody on the left, from the smartest to the dumbest — and that’s not a very wide scale — is expecting: Mueller to have the smoking gun and the silver bullet. Also, who is responsible for this story being out there now? Who actually made the decision and when to convert this into a counterintelligence investigation rather than criminal?

I think much of what’s going on here… I think McCabe… After Comey got fired, McCabe got frightened that he would be next. I think they all panicked when Trump was elected ’cause Trump was gonna have access to all of the counterintel documents the FBI’d been looking into. He’s the executive branch head honcho. He can see whatever he wants. They start panicking. They create a counterintelligence investigation of him to try to keep him from seeing what they have done to protect themselves and to protect Hillary.

So here comes a counterintelligence investigation that’s designed to keep Trump off the scent by making sure he can’t get anywhere near it because they leaked that he may be the target while telling him he’s not. But the public doesn’t know that until Trump, once again, blows it up on them by announcing what Comey told him three different times that he was not the target. He was always the target. But Mueller has not much. Jonathan Karl, Carl Bernstein, there’s a number of other media people now alluding to the fact that people on the left had better prepare themselves.

I’ve gone back and forth on this. They’re not stupid. They are corrupt as hell, but they are not stupid. By having everybody think that they believe the dossier, they had cover to gain all their FISA warrants. They knew that the Hillary campaign paid for this. They knew that it was a bunch of salacious lies created by Russian agents and fed to Steele. And they’re telling us, “No, Rush, no. No. We didn’t know at the time that it was BS because we trusted Steele.” That’s another stupid thing asking us to believe. They trusted this guy even in the midst of the fact that nothing in this, they also admit, could be verified. Nothing could be corroborated.

They didn’t believe this for a minute. It was a tool of opposition research from the day it was conceived and they were active participants in it. The FBI, the Democrat National Committee, all of these people from the Obama campaign, from the Obama administration, every damn one of them all the way down to his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. Fusion GPS, the Perkins Coie law firm. And here’s what it allowed them to do with no proof of collusion, after all of these many years, with no proof of collusion.

And I mean with no proof of collusion, in fact, even as of the most recent New York Times and Washington Post stories, there it is in black and white. There is no evidence for anything alleged in our story. Nine paragraphs into the story, the reporters in the New York Times admit that there is and was literally no evidence to support the idea Trump worked for Russia, as has been in every one of these stories for two years, buried toward the end in a two-line paragraph or part of a much longer paragraph. It is nine paragraphs into this New York Times story where the reporters admit there is and was and has been literally no evidence to support the idea Trump worked for Russia.

This is and has been what many of us have thought it has been from the get-go: nothing more than a concerted deep state coup, silent coup to overthrow the 2016 presidential election and its results and to eventually get rid of the winner of the 2016 presidential election. And all the rest of this is just fodder. All the rest of it is dressing, icing on the cake, all the rest of it is a bunch of fluff designed to buttress what these investigators supposedly did in tracking down this Russian collusion, when there never was any.

This is one of the most successful political hoaxes that has been perpetrated on the American people. Now it has led to the entire population of this country that is Democrat and leftist, expecting to see evidence that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin colluded to steal the election from them and from Hillary Clinton.

And since no evidence exists for that, the people responsible for creating this belief now have to kind of soft sell and cover their tracks, which they’re beginning to do by saying, “Well, you know, could be anti-climatic. You know, there might not be any evidence of collusion. The best we might have is that Trump is such an idiot that he allowed the Russians to get away with whatever they want.”

This whole thing has been actually a brilliantly conceived silent coup of a political opposition research operation — with the full awareness, by the way, of the media. The media is not just a bunch of observers. The media is not just an echo chamber here. The media is a full participant, a knowing and full participant in this. This is an entire deep state combined operation, and the really frustrating thing for me is we’ve known this from the moment it began.

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